Do you struggle with a picky eater?
Here is a link to a website that promotes a cookbook designed to hide healthy foods in other foods that a child is more likely to accept:
Below is a link to The Picky Eater Project by Melissa D'Arrabian of the Food Network:
How much food does my child need?

Nutritional needs vary based upon age and activity. Find out more about how much ENERGY IN your child needs.
Click here for more information. And click here for portion sizes.
How much activity does my child need?

Find out more about how much ENERGY OUT your child needs.
Click here for more information.
Apperently medicine got it all wrong with dangers of cholesterol and fat in our diet.
Watch this lecture by Dr. David Diamond, a research scientist who explains it beautifully!
We recommend that we should all drastically reduce the refined carbohydrates (i.e. sweetened drinks and foods, potatoes, rice, bread, crackers, etc), and increase the amount of in season fresh local produce we consume.
Are GMO's Really Bad?
Watch this video that tackles the GMO controversy.
Organic: Truth or Hype?
Watch this video to learn more.
Recommendations on introducing peanut products
Click HERE for a link to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation about
introducing peanuts and other foods.